Ireland: Undercurrent of weakening trade threatens lamb prices

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While overall, there is little change to the trade for the lambs at the factories for this week, there is an undercurrent of a weakening in the trade being threatened.

The processors are quoting 700-710c/kg for the lambs plus the usual 10-20c/kg for quality assurance. The suppliers are reporting that they are getting 720-730c/kg, with some deals at up to 740c/kg being possible for larger numbers of quality lambs.

The vibes coming from the processors are that the markets have weakened, and sustaining the current prices is being brought into question.

On the other side, breeders are reporting that well-finished lambs are not in plentiful supply on farms, and many have found 2024 a particularly difficult year in the sector, with poor grass growth in many parts of the country up to recent weeks and poor thrive year to date.

“I don’t believe that the numbers of finished lambs are there at present, and the factories could come under pressure to keep up the intake, so there is no scope for talk of reducing the prices”, one breeder said.

The hint of downward pressure on the trade from the factories has not been evidenced in the live sales at the marts, where the entries are tight and prices are being well maintained this week.

Auctioneer George Candler reported a sharper trade for the entry of 620 head at Kilkenny Mart on Monday, where butchers paid up to €129 over for the lambs.

Martin Ryan | Irish Examiner



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