Irish Pig Trade & Prices w/e August 24th 2024

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Deadweight pig prices in Ireland are holding relatively stable after increasing strongly from a low of 190c/kg in mid-February until early August. The average price paid for grade E pig prices in Ireland for the w/e 24 August 2024 was 231c/kg excluding Vat. The current Irish price is 6c/kg higher than the corresponding week last year


While throughput has improved in the last quarter demand continues to run ahead of supplies. Total throughput YTD is 2,102,474 which is marginally behind the corresponding period in 2023. Throughput for week ending 24 August 2024, was 65,787 a marginal increase from the previous week

The latest available data from the CSO shows that Irish exports of primary pigmeat products were valued at €243 million, 2% higher than the corresponding period in 2023. A recovery in pig supplies for processing and a slight improvement in carcase weights have contributed to a similar 2% increase in export volumes during H1.

Within the H1 exports, there were notable increases in the value of trade to the UK (+16% to €71 million), and EU markets (+25% to €59 million). Meanwhile, there were declines in the value of Irish pigmeat exports to Asian markets (-15% to €77 million) and Oceania (-37% to €16 million).

Bord Bia


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