Brazil asks EU to hold off on implementing deforestation law

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BRASILIA, Sept 11 (Reuters) – Brazil on Wednesday asked the European Union not to implement regulations in its deforestation law at the end of the year as scheduled and asked for it to be revised to avoid hurting Brazilian exports.
In a letter to the European Commission seen by Reuters, the Brazilian government said the law banning the import of products linked to the destruction of the world’s forests could affect almost one third of Brazil’s exports to the EU.
The law passed in 2022 by the European Parliament was adopted in June last year, allowing 18 months for companies to adapt.
The law applies to soy, beef, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, rubber, wood and derivatives, including leather and furniture.
“Brazil is one of the main suppliers to the EU of most of the products covered by the legislation, which correspond to more than 30% of our exports to the community bloc,” the letter signed by the ministers of agriculture and foreign Affairs said.
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