FSA Appoints Two Businesses for Meat Inspections in the UK

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The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced the appointment of two businesses to provide inspectors and veterinary professionals for future meat inspections in the UK. 

The two companies, Eville & Jones and HallMark Veterinary & Compliance Services, have been awarded contracts to supply official veterinarians and meat hygiene inspectors. They will oversee the safety, hygiene, and welfare standards within meat plants.

An FSA spokesperson said:
“Meat inspection is a vital part of safeguarding food safety, and these appointments ensure that we have the necessary expertise to continue protecting consumers while supporting industry standards.”

This initiative is particularly important as the UK food industry adapts to evolving demands and challenges in food safety. By ensuring a robust inspection framework, the FSA aims to continue upholding the country’s strong reputation for safe and high-quality meat products.


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