Two UK Sites Re-Listed for Chinese Pork Exports

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UK pork exports to China have received a boost with the re-listing of two sites after a huge collaborative effort between many stakeholders, including government departments, industry and AHDB.

The re-listing followed a relentless effort over several years which included frequently bringing the right parties together in the two nations to support discussions and demonstrate the exceptionally high standards of the industry and the sheer economic value of trade to China. This kept the issue alive and front of mind whenever possible.

China remains the UK’s biggest export market for pork. In 2023 the UK exported £180m worth of pig meat to China and shipped £117m worth of product in the first three-quarters of 2024.

Angela Christison, AHDB Pork Sector Director, said:

“Today’s announcement is fantastic news. Around 50% of the world’s pork is consumed in China. It’s impossible to overstate the importance of this market with its growing demand.

“The potential for our high-quality pork is immense and we look forward to continuing working with government and industry to maximise the opportunities.

“Going into 2025 this will be a welcome boost for the UK pork sector, and we look forward to achieving further success.”



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