Plans to Reopen and Expand Dorset Abattoir Approved

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Plans to reopen and expand an abattoir in Bradpole, Dorset, have been approved despite some residents’ concerns over traffic, light, and noise pollution.

The facility at Mangerton Lane, which had been shut for a year, has been acquired by Shropshire-based Pickstock Telford Ltd. The former farm site was first converted to abattoir use in the early 1990s.

One local farmer told councillors that the area needed the facility to be reopened, as it would be better for animal welfare by avoiding the need to transport animals long distances. Dorset Council’s area planning committee voted almost unanimously in favour of the plans, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

Councillor Simon Christopher supported the animal welfare argument and welcomed the additional jobs that reopening and expanding the business would bring. The committee heard that the new operators would be increasing the size of buildings on the site, enhancing security, and making changes to the car park.

Additionally, a 3m (9.8ft) timber acoustic fence would be installed, and landscaping would be added to the northern and eastern boundaries, creating a biodiversity net gain.

Original story: BBC News

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