Irish Sheep Market Update
Steady Sheep Prices Amid Tight Supplies and Rising Demand
The deadweight sheep trade remains steady this week, with base quotes for hoggets from major processors around €8.80/kg (+QA bonus). Reports indicate higher prices have been negotiated for hoggets meeting current market specifications, with some opening prices reaching €9.00/kg. Some processors have reduced the carcass weight limit by 1kg to 23kg. The recovery in base quotes coincides with the run-up to Ramadan, where demand for product tends to increase in key export markets.
The improvement in the deadweight trade is also reflected in the liveweight trade across marts, with firm competition around the sale rings for suitable lots.
The current firm demand for hoggets is underpinned by very tight supplies of sheep for processing, a trend replicated across the UK and EU markets. A contraction in breeding flocks, challenging weather conditions last spring, and various disease outbreaks have all contributed to the tight supply situation.
The total sheep kill in DAFM-approved plants last week was 44,091 head, up marginally from the previous week, bringing the year-to-date total to 302,541 head. This is 23% lower than the corresponding eight-week period in 2024.
The reported deadweight price for the week ending 23rd February increased to €8.87/kg, following an upward trend over the past three weeks after significant declines in early 2025.
The deadweight trade has also improved across UK regions. Reported lamb prices in mainland GB were the equivalent of €8.78/kg last week (+1c/kg), with firming demand for hoggets in the lead-up to Ramadan. In Northern Ireland, the reported deadweight price was €8.40/kg, up 12c/kg from the previous week.
Southern Hemisphere prices remain well below European prices but have been relatively stable over the last few weeks. Prices this week were the equivalent of €4.72/kg and €4.46/kg for Australia and New Zealand, respectively, both showing slight increases.
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