First Dragon’s Den Winner for NZ Red Meat

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Innovative Meat Flake Idea Wins Top Prize in Meat Industry Competition

An innovative idea for transforming mechanically deboned meat into a meat flake for seasoning has won the top prize in the Meat Industry Association’s first-ever Dragon’s Den competition.

Renyu Zhang, a senior scientist with AgResearch, was named the winner of the inaugural contest, which challenged New Zealanders to develop groundbreaking ideas to advance the country’s red meat processing industry.

Zhang’s “umamification” plan involves a novel process to transform lower-value mechanically deboned meat into a meat flake with high umami (savoury flavour). This product would be stable at room temperature and could be used as a protein enhancer and snack food.

Out of 42 entries, Zhang emerged victorious, beating four other finalists to secure a prize of up to $10,000 to develop a business case and progress the idea into a research project.

Sirma Karapeeva, chief executive of the Meat Industry Association, praised the high calibre of entries, noting that selecting the five finalists and the ultimate winner was challenging. She highlighted the competition’s aim to recognise transformative ideas and provide resources to bring them to life, aligning with the Government’s goal of doubling export value.

Karapeeva said Zhang’s idea stood out for its innovative process and the potential for global industry interest. Zhang expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to take his project to the next stage, saying, “I’m honoured to win this inaugural Dragon’s Den event, and grateful to MIA for this opportunity.”

Original story: NZ Herald

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