Tight Supplies Drive Irish Pig Prices Upward

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Irish Pig Prices on the Rise Amid Tight Supplies

Deadweight pig prices in Ireland are climbing due to relatively tight supplies for slaughter. Last week, prices increased by 4c/kg, with producers reporting rates ranging from €2.10 to €2.14/kg from processors.

The average price for grade E pig prices in Ireland for the week ending 8th March 2025 was €2.02/kg excluding VAT. This is 1.8% lower than the same week last year, when the price was €1.98/kg.

The EU average price for grade E carcass for the same week was €1.81/kg excluding VAT, showing a slight increase from the previous week but still 14% lower than the same month last year.

Throughput and Demand

While throughput has improved in the last quarter, demand continues to outpace supplies. Total throughput year-to-date is 628,256, slightly behind the corresponding period in 2024. For the week ending 8th March, the throughput was 64,342, including 1,929 sows.

Bord Bia

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