Thousands of pigs destroyed unless Government acts – NPA

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Thousands of perfectly healthy pigs will end up being destroyed and wasted unless the Government takes urgent action to alleviate crippling staff shortages, NPA chief executive Zoe Davies has warned.

Chief executive Zoe Davies said that with an estimated 70,000 pigs backing up on farms, growing at a rate of 15,000 a week, and that if the Government fails to act, we are likely to see a significant contraction of the UK pig sector.

The NPA is one of the food and farming organisations behind the Grant Thornton report, which, published yesterday called for Ministers to introduce a 12-month COVID-19 Recovery Visa.

The NPA has helped to generate huge coverage of the plight facing the pig sector as a  result of the labour shortages that are affecting the entire food chain.

Dr Davies said: “There are currently 70,000 pigs backed upon farm, rising by 15,000 a week due to pork processors permanently reducing throughput as a result of labour shortages in plants, especially butchers, and there is no end in sight.

“We are desperately seeking support from the Government, particularly the Home Office, to facilitate access to these people now. For the second time in under a year the pig sector is facing some really tough choices, which we really shouldn’t have to be taking as demand for British pork is still strong.

“If Government doesn’t take action, perfectly healthy pigs will end up being destroyed and wasted.


by Alistair Driver / Pig World

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