Pig throughput situation unlikely to improve before Christmas – TVC

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The situation regarding pig numbers going through pork plants is unlikely to improve before Christmas, according to Thames Valley Cambac.

While processors made public announcements regarding improved numbers, the reality
was very different, TVC said in its latest weekly market update.

‘Although we protested, number allocations were derisory and showed no improvement over previous weeks,” it said.

“Producers are really struggling space wise and slaughter weights continue to breach new highs. Prices eased back again with both contract contributions and the SPP lower. Our consensus sees little change in this dire situation this side of Christmas.”

The fresh meat market remained challenged by cheap imports and prices eased again. The cull sow market was constrained due to a continental holiday so volumes required were limited.

European markets stood on and prices in sterling were enhanced by a stronger Euro that ended the week up 1.05p at 85.54p.

The weaner and store market has contracted further, with some contracted supplies now backed up.

There is no spot market as fatteners shy away from exposure to high feed costs and a very uncertain slaughter market, TVC added.



By Alistair Driver / Pig World

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