British beef breeds ‘unique selling point’ for US trade

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The UK’s various cattle breeds are a ‘unique selling point’ and could be capitalised upon in future US trade, representatives from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) have said.

Speaking exclusively to Farmers Guardian as part of the FALUK 2022 trip, Ethan Lane, vice president of government affairs at NCBA, said the UK’s breed differentiation in cattle was ’fascinating’ and gave the country a unique position in the market place.

“It is something totally different to what US consumers have been presented with before,” he said.

NCBA senior director of international trade and market access Kent Bacus added: “There is always the temptation when you go into a new market to blend in, but you need to lean into your differences, those micro-regions and descriptions that go with it. That is what makes it uniquely British and gives it a strength.

“When you are pushing those muscle cuts, lean into the West Country profile, the Welsh labels, and other things like that.

“US consumers are not necessarily just looking for the American flag, they are looking for things they can identify with and that is where our industry is starting to shift.”



Hannah Binns / Farmers Guardian

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