Red Tractor loses beef and lamb members

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The industry source who shared the figures, but wished to remain anonymous, added the data did not include those members who had left the scheme since it published its updated standards in November 2021.

RT admitted there had been a decline in the number of beef and lamb producer members, but blamed a ‘significant proportion’ of the drop on industry consolidation during the time.

A spokesperson said: “We have seen some smaller beef producers have found alternative markets for their produce, selling to local markets and independent stores that do not require assurance.”

The latest Defra figures, published last June, showed the number of total commercial holdings in England for beef cows in 2017 was 25,759, compared to 23,380 in 2021, while total sheep and lamb holdings stood at 38,914 and 37,286 in 2017 and 2021 respectively.

Neil Shand, chief executive of the National Beef Association, said England’s suckler cow herd in England had shrunk by 7 per cent since 2018.

“There is some consolidation in the beef sector, but we have seen a small increase in membership in the last two years due to our increased activity,” he added.

“Historically, when there has been a buoyant market, people will dip out of farm assurance.”



Hannah Binns / Farmers Guardian

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