Prime cattle prices continue upwards

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In the week ending 8 February, the GB all prime average price rose by 1.4p to settle at 333.3p/kg.

Steer prices for R4L beasts rose by 2.4p on the week, helping raise the overall steer price by 0.8p to 333.5p/kg. The overall heifer price rose by 1.6p on the week to average 335.0p/kg, boosted by a 0.7p gain for those of R4L specification. Despite the rises, prices remain significantly below those of last year.

Industry reports suggest export demand is still helping to support trade. Domestically, reports suggest trade is firm and supplies are tightening in parts of the UK. Estimated slaughterings remained flat on the week, totalling 33,100 head.

Cull cow prices remained relatively flat on the week, up 0.4p to average 230.5p/kg, with reports suggesting good trade at present. Estimated slaughterings were down 400 head on the week, at 11,600 head.


Hannah Clarke

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