Coronavirus an ‘ongoing issue’ for export trade

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Coronavirus is an ongoing issue that continues to hamper the pork export trade, according to the latest pig marketing summary from Thames Valley Cambac.

It says the problem looks set to continue for the short-term, with the export trade stalling due to the number of people affected.

Overall, supply and demand last week was similar to the previous week, with processors taking the numbers TVC had on offer.

The fresh meat market is still ‘lacklustre’ with reports that some lower priced imports are on offer. “We saw a jump in the euro which should curtail this. Cull sows again saw a 2-3 pence rise in price on the back of another 5-eurocent hike in Germany. The Euro ended the week at 85.51, marginally up by 0.31p,” TVC said.

Demand for weaners struggled, as a lack of suitable fattening accommodation continued to dampen the market. Supplies were ample, and prices remained similar.

AHDB prices saw the weighted average for a 30kg store pig fall by 14p to £58.93, and the weighted average for a 7kg weaner rise by 40p to £42.91.



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