IMEAT 2025 | Italy

Location: At Modena - ModenaFiere srl, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Starts: 23 Mar, 2025 at 9am
Ends: 25 Mar, 2025 at 4pm
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iMEAT Fair  –  23-25 ​​MARCH 2025



The only international fair in Italy dedicated to butcher shops, delicatessens and specialized restaurants

In recent years, the meat sector has undergone a strong evolution which has brought innovative methodologies from both a technical and proactive point of view. Precisely from this observation, in 2013 Ecod created iMEAT®, a fair dedicated exclusively to operational activities in the meat sector: retail butchers, delicatessens, specialized catering . iMEAT® connects these operators with suppliers of all dedicated product categories as the only national business to business fair. Furthermore, iMEAT® constitutes a moment for in-depth analysis of various topics and for updating on a series of issues that look to the future of the sector.

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