Scottish beef farmers frustrated by lack of detail on calf scheme reform

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The Scottish government has been urged to release more details on its reform of the suckler beef support scheme, as farmers raise frustration with the lack of detail.

The Scottish government recently confirmed that the scheme (SSBSS), currently worth £40 million, will be a feature of future support arrangements in Scotland.

Payments to eligible calves under the current scheme year are imminent, but proposed changes to the scheme rules for 2025 and beyond, including the introduction of calving interval rules, have yet to be shared.

The SSBSS is seen as invaluable to Scotland’s red meat sector as it ensures farmers are encouraged to keep producing beef calves to underpin the production of Scotch Beef.

However, NFU Scotland has criticised the Scottish government for not sharing enough detail with the beef sector on its proposed reform.

The union seeks a reformed SSBSS to retain the budget and continue to be delivered in the same cyclical manner.

Split payments between meeting existing eligibility criteria and new conditionality is needed, the union said, as well as a mechanism for recognition of pre-registration of stillborn calves.

And a ‘force majeure’ option should also be available for any producers affected by unforeseen or exceptional circumstances.

Any eligible beef calf born after 2 December 2023 will fall under the scheme reform. NFU Scotland said it understands that the existing 30-day retention period will remain as part of the reform.

Farming UK Team

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