Simulation exercise tests UK preparation for ASF outbreak

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The NPA and AHDB have hosted held an ASF simulation exercise, bringing together around 30 individuals from different organisations and government departments to discuss the consequences of an outbreak.

The event, in London in late-July, was structured around a hypothetical scenario in which ASF was suspected on an outdoor pig unit from which weaners and cull sows had been moved the week before. Defra and APHA supported the exercise by explaining the process of outbreak confirmation and answering detailed questions about what would happen both on farm and throughout the supply chain.

“The group learned that many decisions taken by APHA and FSA would be risk-based, and, therefore, the main piece of advice which was repeated throughout the day concerned keeping records on farm for government to be able to accurately assess the level of that risk,” NPA senior policy adviser Katie Jarvis said.

“Records for movements of not just live pigs, but deadstock and people (including staff!) would be requested by APHA in the case of a suspected ASF case – before the disease is even confirmed – and therefore detailed, legible but preferably typed and up-to-date records are a must to ensure the process can move as quickly as possible.”

Alistair Driver | Pig World


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