Inconsistencies in border inspections ‘crippling’ meat industry

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Varying standards of both physical checks and paperwork requirements for meat products at the UK’s border control posts (BCPs) are causing major issues for processors.

The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (Aims) says veterinary failures are costing the industry millions.

It has called for a veterinary agreement with the EU to be put in place as an urgent priority.

Aims’ head of external affairs, Jason Aldiss, told Farmers Weekly that its members had faced varying requirements for physical checks on meat products at BCPs and differences in the standards required by individual vets.

He added that decisions by vets at the BCPs had been highly inconsistent with many using old, outdated paper systems.

This was resulting in mistakes and products subsequently being rejected due to problems with the certificates.

“The certificate is then having to be brought back to the vet and reissued, which has resulted in wagons of short shelf-life products being wasted,” he said.

Charlie Reeve | Farmers Weekly

UK meat sector warns of unfair import costs

Uncertainty remains as new border control checks come into force

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