AIMS Calls for Change to Make Food Safer, Cut Costs, and Stop Food Crime

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The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) is calling for big changes to how we check the safety and quality of food in the UK.

Right now, the systems in place have allowed some high-profile failures, putting both businesses and consumers at risk. But there’s good news—modern technology can fix this, and it’s already available, cheaper, and more effective.

Dr Jason Aldiss BEM, Head of External Affairs at AIMS, says: “We have the tools today—things like blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and sensors—to track food from farm to plate in real-time. These technologies will stop food fraud, reduce costs for businesses, and give consumers peace of mind that their food is safe and genuine.”

This comes after the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) released their 2024 Food Crime Strategic Assessment, which highlights the growing problem of food crime, such as mislabelled or unsafe meat. Food fraud costs the UK up to £2 billion a year. AIMS believes using modern technology can cut these crimes dramatically while lowering costs.

Blockchain technology allows us to track every stage of food production. AI can spot problems before they even happen, and biosensors check animal health and welfare as well as food quality instantly. This technology doesn’t just stop crime—it’s also cheaper than the old systems and is ready to use now.

“British farms already lead the world in food quality. Now, we just need to adopt the right technology to keep up that reputation and save money in the process,” Dr Aldiss added.

“By making these changes, we’ll ensure that bad practices are caught early, keeping the entire industry on track and giving consumers the confidence that the food they buy is safe”.


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