AIMS Challenges FSA’s Stance on Veterinary Presence and Standards

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The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) strongly disagrees with recent claims by Food Standards Agency (FSA) Chair Susan Jebb that food standards will drop without the constant presence of veterinarians in meat establishments.

“We feel that this is both misleading and ignores the legal responsibility that food business operators (FBOs) have for food safety” said Dr Jason Aldiss, Head of External Affairs at AIMS.

“In its early years FSA was committed to adopting a risk-based approach to meat regulation, but since it took over delivery of meat official controls it has become entirely risk-averse, focusing on unnecessary veterinary oversight rather than trusting FBOs to meet their legal duties” he continued. “The law is clear: FBOs are responsible for food safety. Veterinarians are only required to verify that FBOs are doing what they say they are doing, not to manage their processes.”

The UK’s meat industry is recognised for its high standards, driven by the expertise of the businesses themselves.

“Suggesting that standards would fall without vets onsite is inaccurate and ignores the role of modern technology and business-led safety measures.”

“Full-time veterinary presence adds costs without improving food safety and distracts from real innovations like blockchain and AI, which can provide more effective oversight”.

“AIMS are now calling for a move away from outdated, costly veterinary controls and toward smarter, technology-driven solutions to uphold the UK’s world-leading standards”.

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