China lifts final bans on Australian red meat

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China lifted trade restrictions on two Australian meat processing facilities, allowing the full resumption of red meat exports to the country, the Australian government said on Tuesday.

Beijing has now removed restrictions from all 10 Australian abattoirs it banned between 2020 and 2022.

The bans were imposed around the time that China blocked imports of commodities including coal, barley and wine from Australia.

Almost all those restrictions have been removed since a new government won power in Canberra in 2022, with trade in lobster, the final banned product, set to restart by the end of the year.

“This is great news for Australian exporters, producers and farmers,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in a statement.

“Since we were elected we’ve worked tirelessly to resume trade and that’s exactly what we are seeing. It’s a win for trade and a win for Australian jobs.”


China lifts suspension on Australian meat processors

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