Varied demand among the majors, but little change in the pork market

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Demand among the major processors was varied last week, although there was little change in the market, according to Thames Valley Cambac.

Some of the majors were keen, while others were quiet, the differences partly driven by trade and partly by staffing availability during this unprecedented time for the sector.

Contract contributions were a ‘stubborn stand on, while the SPP ‘eased disappointingly’ by 0.23p to 163.63p.

“Supply, meanwhile, was tighter still, with many producers seeing historical production issues impacting on numbers. Average weights continued to trend lower, and forward forecasts show little nearby improvement,” TVC said in its latest market update.

“The fresh meat trade was a touch livelier and reacting to a very quiet Easter by refilling supply lines. There seemed to be little import pressure and prices stood on.”

With the situation less bright across much of Europe, the cull sow market suffered and most quotes saw a 4p reverse. Spain and Belgium lost 2.9 and 2.6 eurocents respectively, but remaining quotes were similar. Price quotes in sterling were eroded further however, by a weaker Euro that ended the week down 0.58p at 86.98p.

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