Pets at Home Launches World’s First Cultivated Meat Dog Treats

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World’s First Cultivated Meat Dog Treats Launched at Pets at Home

Pets at Home has introduced a groundbreaking dog treat made from cultivated meat, marking a world first for the retailer. The treat, named Chick Bites, combines plant-based ingredients with cultivated meat, which is produced by growing cells without the need to raise or slaughter animals.

Meatly, the company behind Chick Bites, explained that the chicken used in the treats was derived from a single sample of cells taken from one chicken egg. This method allows for the production of enough cultivated meat to feed pets indefinitely.

The company claims that the cultivated meat is just as tasty and nutritious as traditional chicken breast, containing all the essential amino acids, critical fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins necessary for pet health.

In a significant regulatory milestone, the UK became the first country in Europe to approve the use of cultivated meat in pet food. This approval, granted in July by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Animal and Plant Health Agency, paved the way for Meatly’s innovative product to hit the shelves.

Original story: The National 

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