Big changes for Louth Livestock Market’s auction days

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Louth Livestock Market’s weekly market day have been moved from Thursday mornings to Monday afternoons.

The decision comes after ‘considerable thought’ from the directors of the market, which is operated by Masons in Louth, as they feel it will better fit into the schedule of regional weekday markets, which are concentrated into the first half of the week.

Simon Williams, managing director, said: “It has become clear to us in recent times that we need to take this decision to give the market the best chance of thriving, hence our decision to move the sale day to the beginning of the trading week, rather than leaving it as it is now, on a Thursday.”

He added: “As a key part of the food chain, livestock markets must adapt to current and fast changing trading conditions and as a relatively small provincial livestock market, we need to be flexible and innovative to best serve our farmer client base as they demand the best possible live weight prices.

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