Cranswick pays staff £500 bonus after healthy financial results

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UK pork processor Cranswick has seen a significant uplift in sales due to a boost in home consumption during the Covid-19 lockdown period.

The firm, one of the UK’s largest food producers, said trading in the first quarter of the financial year had been ‘strong’.

Adam Couch, CEO of Cranswick, said the company ‘responded brilliantly’ during the crisis.

Because of this, a £500 bonus to site-based workers has been paid for their contribution throughout the pandemic.

Figures show that revenue in the 13 weeks to 27 June 2020 was 24.8% ahead of the same period last year.

Excluding the contribution from acquisitions made in the prior year, revenue on a like-for-like basis was 19.2% higher.

As a result of the current shift towards greater in-home consumption, the Hull-based processor said retail demand had been ‘exceptionally robust’.


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