Middle East ‘key target market’ for UK meat exports

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UK red meat exporters have been told to look more at the Middle East market as the region imports around 90% of all beef and lamb consumed locally.

The significance of the Middle East to exporters is rising as figures show shipments of lamb to the region increased 319% between 2018 and 2019.

But the UK only exports a small amount in comparison to other countries, according to AHDB’s latest export webinar.

AHDB Halal Sector Manager Dr Awal Fuseini said there was ‘real potential’ to increase the UK’s market share in the region.

The Middle East has a growing population with a high disposable income – making it a key target market for European exporters.

And while he highlighted the opportunities that exist, Dr Fuseini also spoke about the challenges faced by exporters around certification.

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