Taiwan bans importation of Japan poultry on reports of bird flu

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Taipei, Nov. 5 (CNA) Taiwan has removed Japan from its list of countries free of avian influenza and banned the import of poultry products from that country, after an outbreak was confirmed on a farm there, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ) said Thursday.

In a statement, the bureau said Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries had culled 330,000 chickens earlier in the day after confirming a subtype of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 virus on an egg farm in Kagawa Province.

To prevent the virus from spreading to Taiwan, the BAPHIQ said, it was banning the importation of live poultry from Japan, as well as eggs, and fertilizer containing chicken manure.

Taiwan already has a prohibition on poultry meat imports from Japan, which means that the new ban is effectively comprehensive.

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