UK red meat sector faces ‘permanent change’ in new year

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Concerns have been raised over a possible no-deal between the UK and the EU, and the possibility of WTO tariffs hitting key export markets hard.

Because of this, the red meat supply chain must prepare for change whatever the result of the talks were, according to Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC).

The body warned that ‘deal or no deal’, there would be a change to trading that the industry had known for the last four decades.

Even if there was a ‘good deal’, it added, it was not going to be business as usual, as there would be the establishment of non-tariff barriers.

HCC chairman Gwyn Howells said this would be around administrative costs which would “undoubtedly have a bearing on product price, either at the consumer end or, more likely, at the producer end.”


Farming UK

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