Meat processors join seafood Brexit protest amid ‘serious and sustained loss of trade’

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The British Meat Processors Association has said it is receiving a growing number of calls from meat companies highlighting the “plethora of problems” they have been experiencing at the borders.

The BMPA said the problems are now causing a “serious and sustained loss of trade with our biggest export partner”.

Processors said alongside seafood, fresh meat is one of the most time critical perishable products. Every hour a lorry load of meat is delayed increases the chance of that order either being reduced in price, cancelled and returned or, in the most severe cases, thrown away and ending up in landfill.

Nick Allen, chief executive of the BMPA said: “One of our members reported on 11 January that he had 6 lorry loads of product [value around £300,000] all waiting for customs clearance into the Republic of Ireland.



By Brian Donnelly / The Herald

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