Red Tractor high-profile marketing campaign focuses on beef and lamb

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CUMBRIAN farmer Alistair Mackintosh is helping to promote a consumer marketing campaign by Red Tractor.

As chair of the Red Tractor Beef and Lamb sector, Mr Mackintosh is promoting the campaign which demonstrates the standards British beef and lamb farmers adhere to as well as the importance of red meat as part of a balanced, healthy diet. It will also put some facts around the impact of its production on the environment here in the UK – a topic that is often misrepresented.

Mr Mackintosh, said: “With so many myths surrounding the production red meat in the UK. It’s important to shine the light on the farmers who work incredibly hard to produce the best possible quality food for families, in the best possible way. Ultimately, I hope this will help alleviate unwarranted fears among consumers around red meat and provide the balanced and accurate facts so consumers can make an informed choice”.



By Maureen Hodges /  News and Star
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