Union calls for increase in British pork presence

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Less than half the pork in Tesco and Asda is British or Scottish. 

NFU Scotland has contacted all major supermarkets regarding their support for Scottish and British pig farmers after finding that some retailers have a very high proportion of non-British pork on their shelves.

With the disruption to pork production due to Covid-19, with Scotland’s biggest plant at Brechin shut for two weeks http://www.pig-world.co.uk/news/qpls-brechin-plant-closes-due-to-covid-19-outbreak.html,  and exports being more challenging due to Brexit, prices have fallen below the cost of production. With cheaper supplies often being sourced from Europe,  NFU Scotland believes that both farmers and consumers deserve reassurances that British and Scottish pork will be readily available on every shop shelf.

NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick said that supermarkets Co-op, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Lidl and Aldi, should be applauded for their commitment to  British and Scottish pork whilst Tesco and Asda ” must step up to the plate in these challenging times”.



by Lydia Turner / Pig World

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