Very Busy And Profitable Greengrocers And Butchers
Price: | 85,000 |
Contact: | 07816387 |
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Spacious double fronted greengrocer and butchery. Forecourt is used for the display of fruits and vegetables. The outside rear of the building has a yard and large stockroom.
The current turnover averages above £10,000 a week. Details on profitability available upon request.
The current trading hours are 8am to 8pm sevendays a week.
The business is very busy and has been running successfully for over 18 years in its current location.
A new lease is available for 15 years (negotiable). Rental of £18,000 p.a. exclusive of rates for the first 3 years with rent review at that time and thereafter every 3 years.
Genuine reason for sale as pursuing other business ventures.
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