EXPOMEAT 2024 | Brazil

Location: Anhembi, São Paulo, Brazil
Starts: 24 Sep, 2024 at 10am
Ends: 26 Sep, 2024 at 5pm
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Every day, we read positive news about the growth of the industry, the expansion of industrial plants, the increase in consumption and new countries approving the food produced in Brazil.

We will certainly have more development, greater income generation and an increase in the number of jobs. The arrival of new technologies, national and foreign, can also be noted, which place us as the international hub of protein and a global mirror of the best practices in the segment.

Machines, packaging, additives, conveyor belts, refrigeration, sanitation, transport, accessories and new formats will attract the attention of all those involved with factory management. They will be able to update their production plants with the best technology available, thus generating greater competitiveness.

EXPOMEAT 2024 - V Feira Internacional da Indústria de Processamento de Proteína Animal e Vegetal We know that this growth path has no turning back and that it is essential to improve industrial processes. Confirm your participation in EXPOMEAT...

We know that this growth path has no turning back and that it is essential to improve industrial processes. Confirm your participation in EXPOMEAT 2023 now and enjoy the best cost-benefit ratio in the search for successful partners.

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