British Pig & Poultry Fair 2020 cancelled

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The British Pig & Poultry Fair 2020 has been cancelled, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson said mass gatherings should not take place.

Mr Johnson said that while the risk of Coronavirus disease transmission at mass gatherings remained low, the Government was ‘moving emphatically away from’ mass gatherings requiring emergency workers.

The trustees of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) met earlier in the day and agreed that the Fair, which was scheduled for May 12 and 13, would be cancelled if the Government advised that gatherings should not take place.

Following Mr Johnson’s announcement said, the Fair organising team said: “Therefore in light of the Prime Minister’s address this evening, Pig & Poultry will not take place in 2020.

“While we are sorry to make this decision to cancel, it is the right decision to protect the health of the industry and indeed the wider population in these unprecedented circumstances.”

“We will be in touch in due course to confirm future plans for the Fair.”

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