ASF Poland: Number of farm cases in 2020 rises to 71

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Although the summer is not over yet, in Poland African Swine Fever has already infected more farms in 2020 than it did in the whole of 2019. Currently, the count is at 71 infected farms, the majority of them being backyard farms.

That can be concluded on the basis of the most recent data of the Polish General Veterinary Inspectorate (GVI).

The lion’s share of the infected farm sites is located in Eastern Poland, 65 out of 71 – often these farms had less than 100 pigs in total. By far the most infections were concentrated in Lublin province (50), bordering Belarus. Another 6 were found directly south of Lublin province, in Subcarpathia province. Warmia-Masuria (7) and Mazovia (2) complete the picture in Eastern Poland.

Farms infected in Western Poland

In the ASF cluster in the west of the country, bordering Germany, 6 farms have been found infected so far this year. 2 of these farms were larger commercial facilities – these 2 already got infected in March and April. The other 4 were backyard facilities. In all 66 farms together in Poland, so far almost 46,000 pigs had to be culled this year to limit the spread of the virus.

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