UK red meat to be showcased at two Chinese events

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Exporters will be flying the flag for UK pork and beef at two major events in China this month – marking the first international showcasing since the pandemic.

On Thursday, the 18th China International Meat Industry Exhibition 2020 (CIMIE 2020) will take place at the Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition – bringing buyers from all across Asia.

Organised by the China Meat Association and the International Meat Secretariat, the two-day event is one of the most professional shows in China for the meat industry.

This will be followed by Asia’s largest food and drink innovation exhibition, SIAL China, which takes place in Shanghai from September 28 – 30.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, this year’s show sets the benchmark for overseas companies stepping into Asia and China as well as providing valuable market insights, trends and innovations in the regional food industry.

The UK’s AHDB will have a stand at both events, hosted by locally employed staff member Holly Chen who supports the organisation in the local marketplace in a partnership with the China Britain Business Council (CBBC).

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