ABP creates 200 new entry level positions for young people

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UK food producer ABP has announced it is creating 200 new entry level vacancies and apprenticeships in collaboration with Youth Employment UK, an organisation dedicated to tackling youth unemployment.

The new positions, available in areas such as butchery, abattoir, process improvement, engineering, IT and technical, will be on offer within the company’s meat food processing business and offer young people the chance to work at one of the fourteen ABP locations across the country.

Bob Carnell, CEO of ABP UK, said it is important to be involved with Youth Employment UK as it plays a key role in connecting young people with job opportunities and support.

He said: “Our business has for decades worked with British farmers to bring quality meat to the table of UK homes and we are committed to bringing young people into our organisation, developing their skills and allowing then to flourish while doing our bit to boost the economy.”

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