UK ban imposed on freight drivers who have been in Denmark over past 14 days

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The Government has banned freight drivers who have been in or passed through Denmark in the last 14 days, following the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus in mink in the the country.

The announcement follows the release of further information from health authorities in Denmark reporting widespread outbreaks of coronavirus in mink farms, with a variant strain of the virus spreading to some local communities.

In a move that is likely to have implications for the pork trade, the Government announced on Sunday that:

  • The exemption for non-UK resident freight drivers has been removed so those who have travelled from or through Denmark in the last 14 days can no longer enter the UK.
  • Passenger planes and ships travelling directly from Denmark, and accompanied freight, will no longer be able to land or dock at English ports.
  • Anyone from the UK who arrives in England after 4am on the 6 November after travelling from or through Denmark in the last 14 days – including HGV drivers after previous exemptions were removed – must self-isolate along with their household for 14 days.
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