BVA welcome for Scottish abattoir CCTV

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The BVA has welcomed new legislation in Scotland that will make CCTVs compulsory in the country’s abattoirs.

Legislation was approved by the Scottish Parliament on 11 November and will come into force on 1 July 2021. Introduction of CCTV coverage in slaughterhouses has been a long-running campaign by the association.

The Mandatory Use of Closed Circuit Television in Slaughterhouses (Scotland) Regulations 2020 will require all abattoirs in Scotland to install and operate CCTVs, and to retain footage and associated data for a period of 90 days.

The decision followed a public consultation by the Scottish Government in 2018 in which a vast majority of respondents backed the new measures. The BVA had responded in support of the mandatory use of CCTVs where they were complementary to the physical monitoring and checks undertaken by OVs.



by Paul Imrie

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