Lamb trade holds up as numbers fall after auctioneers’ warnings

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Lower lamb numbers at auction marts helped support prices at UK auction marts, following auctioneers warnings export buyers would not be requiring lambs.

It comes as more than 1,500 lorries are stuck in Kent waiting to leave the UK after France closed its borders due to fears of the new variant of Covid-19 in the UK.

Auction marts on Sunday issued warnings after export focused companies told them they would not be requiring lambs at Monday’s sales.

Skipton auctioneer Ted Ogden said the warnings had had the ‘desired effect’ for them.

“The main thing is trade held up for what was in the market,” he said.

“We were a fair few export buyers down. The trade was held together by the home market.”

He added auctioneers had needed to be honest with sellers and let them make their own decisions on whether to bring their stock to market.



by Alex Black

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