‘Irish beef sector is facing a second cliff edge due to Brexit’

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The threat of Brexit eased somewhat for beef farmers back on December 24 as a late trade deal was agreed. This meant that our beef exports to the UK, which are our largest net importers of Irish beef, will avoid heavy tariffs imposed by the World Tariff Organization (WTO) rules.

However, this does not mean that the Irish beef sector will not be impacted from the loss of our British neighbours from the EU.

On this week’s Teagasc Beef Edge podcast, Dr. Kevin Hanrahan, who is head of the rural economy and development programme at Teagasc, revealed that a level of uncertainty will still remain for the beef sector until the second half of 2021.

Speaking on the podcast, Kevin stated: “There are going to be changes that meat processors are going to have to deal with in terms of custom checks, veterinary certs and export declarations as they ship beef products into the UK.

“The UK may adopt an EU style of approach – which insists these type of beef products have to be frozen if they are not muscle.


by Michael Carey / Agriland

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