Lamb price rises pick up pace

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In the week ending 9 January, the GB deadweight lamb price rose again, adding a further 32p to the overall SQQ measure, which averaged 518.6p/kg. This puts prices an impressive 68p higher than the same week last year. Some industry reports suggest higher prices still have been paid since then. 

Reports of delays at borders and confusion over paperwork are still widespread, although it is not clear if everyone generally has the same problems, or different shipments have problems of their own. Product is however still moving to the continent; demand from continental foodservice markets is still reported to be subject to short-term changes as Covid related restrictions continue to affect trade.

Total throughputs for the week ending 9 January are estimated to have been 213,900 head, down 11% on the same week last year.



by Duncan Wyatt / AHDB

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