Deadweight lamb prices make further gains

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Deadweight lamb prices rose further again this week, up by 5.5p to total 574.3p/kg for the week ending 23 January. Prices are currently up by 110.9p on the same week of the previous year.

Total throughputs for the week ending 23 January were estimated at 218,200 head, this was down 2.2% on the previous year with less lambs coming forward due to supply of lambs remaining tight.

In the week ending 27 January, the Liveweight OSL SQQ price dropped back by just 0.04p on the week to average 254.29p/kg.

Some industry reports have suggested that demand may been easing slightly both on the continent and at a domestic level, however prices still remain fairly strong for the time of year.

Auction market throughputs were noticeably back on the previous week at 83,968 head. During the same week, Cull ewes averaged £80.14/head, a slight decrease of 80p on the previous week.



By Charlie Reeve / AHDB

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