Council finds new leaseholder for Carmarthen mart

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Nock Deighton, which runs the successful Newcastle Emlyn livestock market, has won the tender to run the mart, located in Nantyci.

The company is set to make a substantial initial investment in upgrading the facilities, and intends to create 19 local jobs and work for local auctioneers.

The mart, previously operated by BJP Marts, is seen as a traditional and prominent fixture in Carmarthenshire’s agricultural industry.

David Jenkins, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Executive Board Member for Resources, said it was an ‘important element’ of the local rural economy.

“We are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to Nock Deighton,” he said, “The company has a long history, a great track record of running large livestock markets.

“The company is an excellent fit for Carmarthen Mart and we look forward to a long and successful association with them as we move the mart forward.”



by Farming UK

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