Brazil meat exporters face hurdles shipping product via Shanghai

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SAO PAULO, April 20 (Reuters) – Brazil’s ABPA, a lobby group representing large pork and chicken processors said on Wednesday its member companies are facing difficulties shipping products through the Port of Shanghai.

The statement, sent in response to a question from Reuters about the effects of the COVID lockdown in the Chinese city, said cargoes are being redirected to other ports, such as Yantian.

“There are no reports of suspension of sales,” the statement said, referring to rumours about potential contract cancellations. “At the same time, ABPA member companies hope that the situation in Shanghai will soon return to normal.”

Strict lockdown measures after a COVID-19 outbreak began in March, affecting 25 million Shanghai residents, hampering businesses and the circulation of goods.

After the lockdown was imposed, containers of frozen food began backing up at the port, with inspections for incoming meat halted.


By Ana Mano / Reuters

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