Pork exports to the Philippines up on record year

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Exports of pork from the UK to the Philippines reached almost £17 million in the first four months of 2022 – up 14% on the same period last year.

According to the latest figures from HMRC, between January and April, the amount of pig meat shipped to the country in Southeast Asia increased 46%, to 13,812 tonnes.

The Philippines is now the UK’s second largest non-EU pork export market, behind China. Last year, almost £38 million worth of pork was shipped to the Philippines – a fourfold increase on 2020.

AHDB Export Manager, Susan Stewart, who has just returned from her first trade mission to Asia in two years, said the Philippines is proving to be a valuable market for the pork sector.

She said: “Demand for UK pork in the Philippines continues to increase, delivering a strong boost to the pork sector. In just four months, both the value and volume of shipments have risen significantly, following on from an incredible year for pork exports to Asia.”


Susan Stewart / AHDB

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