AHDB to showcase red meat and dairy in Singapore

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AHDB will be in Singapore next week at a major international food and drink showcasing red meat and dairy to buyers from around the world.

The export team will be attending Food and Hotel Asia (FHA), which runs from Monday to Thursday, and attracts more than 40,000 trade delegates looking to supply restaurants, hotels, and the food service sector. The high-profile event is one of the largest and most important shows for exporters from the UK to showcase their products to buyers in the Southeast Asia region.

AHDB will be joined by five red meat and five dairy exporters from the UK, who are there to promote high quality beef, lamb and pork as well as a selection of cheese and baby formula.

Singapore is a significant high-end market for red meat exports, with shipments of pork, beef and lamb from the UK worth almost £2 million last year. It is also proving a valuable market for dairy, with £9.6 million worth of products from the UK exported to the country in 2021 – up 43 per cent on the previous year.

Susan Stewart, AHDB’s Senior Export Manager, said: “With its high gross domestic product and consumers who appreciate quality, Singapore is a hugely important market for our red meat exports.

“We are delighted to be returning to FHA for the first time since 2018, due to the pandemic. The show will provide an ideal platform for us to showcase pork, beef and lamb from the UK to potential buyers across Asia.”


by Alistair Driver / Pig World

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