NFU seeks ‘urgent clarity’ as UK ammonia plant stops production

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The NFU has requested an urgent meeting with CF Fertilisers on the impact of its decision to suspend ammonia production at its Co Durham plant.

In a statement, CF Fertilisers attributed its decision to halt ammonia production, a key ingredient to produce fertiliser, to market conditions which make producing the product uneconomical.

NFU President Minette Batters described the firm’s announcement as ‘extremely worrying’ and said it was a sign of the pressure energy markets were under.

Farm businesses across the country are being significantly impacted by the ongoing energy crisis, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

Gas prices continue to surge, with prices more than double what they were in early June and 11 times higher than this time last year.

Farm businesses are also facing huge increases for new electricity contracts, with a number of long-term contracts coming to an end.


by Farming UK

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