AHDB considers Stoneleigh Park move

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Agricultural levy board AHDB is considering quitting its Stoneleigh Park base in favour of smaller premises, it has been revealed.

The organisation, which has been based in a £5m, 5,000 sq ft building on the farming and agricultural centre just outside Coventry in Warwickshire since 2014, said a number of factors had led it to reassess the location.

AHDB’s divisional director of engagement Will Jackson said: “We are currently looking at our options to move our headquarters from Stoneleigh to a more suitable-sized building to reflect our current needs and ensure the funds we receive from levy payers are invested as effectively as possible.

“This is part of what we are doing to reflect levy payer feedback through the ‘Shape the Future’ process.”

Former chair of the AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds sector board Paul Temple said following changes at the institution, it made sense for it to consider the usefulness of its location.



By Jane Thynne / Farmers Guardian

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